Sauced Out Websites and Print Design, Sydney, Australia

Web and email hosting

We offer reliable and affordable web hosting and support

Sauced Out offers reliable web hosting for small to medium sites starting at $15.95 a month. We can set up a web hosting package and install and configure your site and email. Packages come with access to a control panel and the ability to add other free features such as blogs and photo galleries to your site as well as additional email accounts (within a specified limit).

Hosting is paid monthly via direct debit from a bank account or credit card.

If your site is already hosted elsewhere we'll transfer your site and renew your domain name for free. We'll also pay your first month's hosting fee as a welcome bonus.

support request


Email support is available during business hours. We will endeavour to fix any problem with your account within 24 hours, although we may need to obtain technical advice for some issues. Emergency support is available for out-of-hours via email.

See our Client Centre for more details on support.


Maintenance packages

Sauced Out also offers monthly maintenance packages from $29.95 a month. These packages also include site maintenance (making changes and additions to your website) as well as hosting maintenance (setting up email accounts, adding new scripts etc).

Contact the Sauced Out team for more information.